Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's All About Organization

I'm A Hot Mess....

Some people organize themselves in a very prim and proper way.  When you walk into their house, it looks organized.  They yell at you not to touch anything, they're DVDs may be alphabetized, and everything has it's own spot in which nothing else may invade that space.  You may call this OCD, but to them, they're organized.  Then you have those people who look as though they are slobs.  Everything is all over the place and when you walk into their house, you can't even see the floor.  However, if they can find what they are looking for then they would call themselves organized.

It doesn't seem like it, but I believe everyone is organized.  It may not look like it on the outside, but on the inside they really know what they're doing.  Of course, you have those people who lose things all the time and don't find them until a year has passed.  I have a solution to that: Whatever it is that they lost simply grew legs and walked away.  No, of course not.  However, some people just have too much on their mind.  They're organized, but simply forget where they put certain things.

I call myself a hot mess.  I'm organized, but to a certain extent.  Well...when it comes to my writing, anyway.  Remember I said that I have 114 ideas for stories and scripts?  Yes, that's how many file folders I have.  Plus more because I'm sure that I'll come up with more ideas.  I don't know how much money I spent on those file folders, but to me, they help.  A lot.

Each story has its own separate folder.  I made up these "progress" sheets.  It says the date I started writing the novel, the date I finished it, when I started editing it, when I finished editing it thinking it was worthy enough to be published, how many pages, how many chapters, how many words, etc.  That page is filled out (not completed on most of them, obviously) and stapled to the inside of the folder.  I also made up a "title" sheet.  The title of the book, the genre, the type whether it be a novel or script, and a big spot for a summary.  That is also stapled on the inside of the folder.

What actually goes inside the folder?  Lists.  Lists of the characters, their descriptions and backgrounds if I need them, an outline of the whole novel, and when finished, the first draft.  Of course, once edited, I move it to one of those filing folders that have seven pockets.  I fill that up with all the drafts of the novel.  It gets heavy and it gets fat, but it holds all those pieces of paper.

Where do I find all the space for this stuff?  Excellent question.  I don't.  Yes, I have three bins that stack on top of each other.  The bottom is filled with notebooks.  The middle is filled with notebooks.  The top is filled with notebooks.  I have three other bins that are normal bins that have covers.  All three are filled with notebooks.  Are all these notebooks filled up?  Not at all.  However, I do use them; therefore, I need a place to put them.

If I wasted most of my space with empty, half-filled, and filled notebooks, where do I put the file folders?  Where do I actually put my novels?  They take up pretty much my whole desk space, so they are currently making themselves fit on my bookshelves which are completed loaded with books.  Do I need a filing cabinet to put these folders in?  Absolutely.  Does my mom have one that she can give me?  Yes, which is perfect because I save money.  Do I have room anywhere to put this filing cabinet?  Not at all.

Well, even though I have no room, I am still organized.  Technically.  I have everything in a neat pile.  When I get that filing cabinet and maybe clean up a little bit, I will be organized to the extreme!  How do you organize?

And there you have it.  That's not even all of them, either.

New Year's Resolution Stats:
Words Written: 0/183000
Pages Read: 177/18300

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