Friday, January 6, 2012


I Have To Do This and That and...Eh, I'll Do It Later....

Do you know what really bugs me?  Is that when I want to write, I don't have time.  When I have time, I don't want to write.  Am I the only one that this happens to?

I just don't have the motivation.  I want to write, I want to get published, but sometimes I just don't have the attention span for it.  I know how I want to story to end, but sometimes I don't know how to get there.  I know how I want to start the story, but I feel like writing something completely different.  As I'm writing something, I'll come up with a completely new idea for a whole new novel.  I start writing that and never get back to the previous one.  That cycle continues on and soon I'm stuck with 100 half-written stories and me feeling like crap because I can't seem to get anything finished.

I looked up my horoscope the other day.  I'm a Virgo.  Apparently, Virgos are known to not finish what they start.  What luck I have!  Of course, I'm not all that into that superstitious stuff.  I like looking up my horoscope for fun purposes.  But the one thing that happens to be true...

I reflected back on my life once I read that small piece of information.  I realized that I have never ever seemed to finish anything in my life before.  All the things that I had to finish, I procrastinated with.  You know, you have a project to work on for school and you're up all night the night before it's due and you're only just starting it.  Well, I think everyone does that just because it's school, but hopefully you get my point.

I also realized that my problem isn't motivating me to write.  It's motivating me to finish.  I have finished two children books and two young adult novels.  That's something, at least.  Except I can't get anywhere with them because I won't edit them.

I figured out something that gets my motivated, though.  My sister and I always go to Barnes & Noble to write.  There's a section of books that's for writing and publishing and such.  I always go to that area.  I flip through a couple of the books and I say to myself, "I can do that, I can do that, I can do that."  Truth is, I should really be saying, "I want to do that."  More truthfully, I really can do it, I just don't.

I am on a bunch of different writing websites.  One of them being NaNoWriMo.  Click on the name if you have no idea what it is.  I have been a part of NaNoWriMo for three years.  I only won one year, but I've still tried the other years.  NaNoWriMo has forums for the members to chat with one another about many different topics before, during, and after November.  I usually look in there.  I read what everyone else writes, especially the "Self-Promoting" section.  A lot of people have had their NaNoWriMo novels published.  I want to do that.  That gets me motivated to write because I want to be just like those people.

So, I get myself motivated, I go home and write.  Now let's just see if I can follow through with it like I have with the four books I have already completed.  What gets you motivated?  Because just maybe it'll help me.... 

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