Friday, January 13, 2012

Where In The World

Shh...I'm Writing....

Do you remember when we talked about using a computer over a pen and notebook?  Well, whichever tool you prefer to write with, where do you prefer to use it?

Do you need a quite place like a library?  Or are you able to sit at home with parents and siblings able to distract you at any possible moment, no matter what scene you're writing?  Most people can write through all of the examples above, but there's always that one certain spot where we write best.

In my house, we have a basement that has two rooms.  You go down the stairs and when you go to your right, it's where the couches are and the big screen it's basically like my dad's room.  If you go to your left once you make it to the bottom of the stairs, you'll see my desk, two book shelves filled with all my books, plus another huge desk, which is where Raph's (my turtle) tank sits.  The printer got squeezed onto that desk, as well.  We call this my room because I'm the one who always down there and no one else hangs out in that room...probably because all of my stuff is there.  The only time people really go into that room is when they're passing by to go into the laundry room.

Nine times out of ten, I will be at my desk writing on my laptop or in a notebook...mostly my laptop.  Sometimes I will write in my bedroom while lying on my bed, but I tend to use a notebook in my bed because otherwise I would get uncomfortable very the laptop would die and I would have to run down two flights of stairs to get the plug and then bring everything back down when I'm's too much work for me.

Now, there's always a special place that people tend to go to when they want to write.  Some place other than their house.  My sister and I always go to Barnes & Noble whenever we both have free time...meaning whenever both of us have the day off from work, which is not very often at all, but we try.  We go to Barnes & Noble early in the morning so that we get there as it opens...the tables at that place tend to fill up pretty quick.  There's a Starbucks inside Barnes & Noble, as well.  We walk in, go upstairs, grab a table, I go down to the Starbucks and get us a couple of Mocha Frappuccinos, go back upstairs, and the two of us get busy sipping our drinks and typing away on our laptops.

Where do you like to write? 


I would just like to let everyone know that the Reading Page has been updated!  Go check it out! 

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