Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

New Year, New Beginnings....

I remember January 1, 2011 as though it was today.  I remember that I made a resolution to read as many books as I could possibly read throughout the whole year.  Would you like to know how many books I read last year?  I couldn't tell you.  I never kept track and I don't read too often (which is why I made the resolution in the first place).  I probably read about two or three books last year.

However, for 2012, I made quite a few New Year's resolutions.  I am going to read at least 50 pages of a book a day.  I actually started that one on December 31st.  So far, I have been keeping up with it.  I'm going to actually keep track of what I read, too.  My second New Year's resolution I am doing with my sister.  She and I are both going to try to each write at least 500 words on a story every day.  I calculated that we should each write at least 183,000 words this year.  That doesn't seem too bad, huh?  Of course, those calculations are based on 366 days and not 365.

Yes, 2012 is a leap year.  That means each and every one of us gets an extra day to push forward toward our goal(s) or simply do whatever it is that we want to do.  Of course, for me, this means that I have to read an extra 50 pages of a book and write an extra 500 words of a novel.  Plus, since I started this blog, I would like to post at least once a week...every day would be nice, but I have a feeling that that might not happen.

Unfortunately, I have a life.  It's sad, but true.  I work part-time three days a week, babysit here and there, I'm a full-time student, and I have to help out my parents with things around the house, my two younger cousins that stay over, and I also have friends to hang out with.  Otherwise, I would be writing day and night all around the clock.

Speaking of writing...if you read the "Welcome" to your left, then you should know that the whole reason as to why I started this blog was to keep track of my writing.  However, I will get more into that later on.  The more you read this blog, the more you'll know about me and my writing.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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